陕单 2 1号 (陕单 970 4 )由西北农林科技大学农学院玉米研究所 1 997年以自交系武 464和K2 2杂交育成的早熟玉米新品种。 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年各级产量试验中表现稳产、早熟、高产 ,抗病性强 ,适应性好 ,适宜我省关中中西部地区种植 ,种植密度一般为每公顷 4 5万~ 5 0万株为宜。2 0 0 3年 3月通过陕西省品种审定委员会审定 ,定名为陕单 2 1。
The new maize variety Shaandan 21 (Shaandan 9704) was bred by the male Wu 464 and the female K22 in Maize Institution, Northwest Sci-Tech Universi ty of Agriculture and Forestry in 1997 In 2000~2002, the regional test, produ ct test results showed the characteristic of high-stable yield, early mature, dise ase resistance, good adaptation The adaptive planting areas were the middle an d west parts of Guanzhong plain, Shaanxi province The optimum desnity range wa s 45000~50000 seeding / ha It has been authorized by Crop Authorization Co mmit tee of Shaanxi Province in March 2003 and was named Shaandan 21
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin