对不同类型萝卜开花温度、柱头和花粉活力、自交退化原因进行研究 ,结果表明 :萝卜雄性不育系花器结构与保持系及正常植株 (自交系)有较大差异 ,花药发育有黄化、败育、半不育三种类型。冬萝卜花期 30~ 45d ,日开花量与温度显著正相关 ,开花前一天的柱头与当日花粉杂交 ,结实率最高。春夏萝卜开花受温度、光照等多种因素影响 ,较高温度时 ,部分植株能开花 ,但花药发育不正常 ,花期短 ,结实率低。
The flowering temperature, the vigor of stigma a nd pollen, the reason of self-hybriddegeneration in radishes was studied The results showedthat: structureof flower orga n of malt sterile line in radish isdifferent from itsmaintainers and normal plant (self-hybridplant) Anther ' s developmenthas three types: they are yellow degenerative corolla,abortive pollen, and half-abortive pollen The flowering period of winter ra dish is 30~45days Flowering amounts a day is significantly p os itively related with temperature Seed setting rate is the highest when t he stigma that of the day before flowering hybridized with the flowering anther, the flowering of spring su mmer radishis influence d by many factors such as temperatureand sunlight When the temperature is high it can flower partly, but anther growth is not normal, the flowe ri ngperiod is short, and seed settingrate is low Self-hyb rid degeneration of radish is concerned with declining of the pollen
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin