锰锌·乙铝 60 0倍液、 80 0倍液、 1 0 0 0倍液、 1 2 0 0倍液、1 4 0 0倍液均对甘薯黑斑病有一定的防效 ,其中以 60 0倍液 (833ppm)防效最佳 ,80 0倍液次之 ,1 4 0 0倍液最差 ;浸渍锰锌·乙铝溶液 1 0min后 ,用水冲洗对防病效果产生影响 ,使得防治效果降低 ;延长浸渍时间可以提高防效 ,而溶液温度对药效基本上不产生影响 ;用锰锌·乙铝浸苗防治效果很差 ,仅为 1 9 8% 。
The effect to control Ceratocystis fimbriata of sw eet potato is differ ent for different consistence IWMPA solution (Intermixture With Mancozeb and Pho sethyl Al), It has the more good effect for the more high consistence,833ppm; wa shing the root of sweet potato to soak IWMPA solution for 10 minutes, effect to control Ceratocystis fimbriata of sweet potato is reduced; Prolong the time of s oaking in solution can raise defence ill effect, the temperature of solution doe s not produce influence basically for the effect of medicament; It is very bad f or effect to dip in medicament with the sprout of sweet potato, only is 19.8% . It is better to dip medicament with the root of sweet potato.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin