对北京市西城区 1 994~ 1 998年人群霍乱发病率与月平场气温、气压、降水量的关系进行Spearman等级相关分析 ,结果表明 :发病率与月平均气温呈显著正相关 ,与月平均气压无显著相关 ,与月平均降水量无显著相关 ,高温可能提高霍乱发病率。对 1 994~ 1 998年的霍乱发病率、月平均气温分别做月和年的显著性检验 ,结果支持气温与霍乱发病率的相关关系 ,同时提示气象因素只是影响霍乱发生的因素之一。
Analysis is made of the relation of air temperature, atmospheric pressure, and precipitation to the incidence rate of Cholera from 1994 to 1998 in Xicheng District, Beijing,using the Spearman rank correlation method and the statistical package SPSS. The results indicate that there is significant positive correlation between the incidence rate and air temperature, nonsignificant correlation with atmospheric pressure and precipitation; the incidence rate of Cholera increases with air temperature. The significance test of the incidence rate and monthly average temperature supports the correlation of incidence rate and air temperature. It is concluded that meteorological impact is one of factors that affect the incidence rate of cholera.
Meteorological Science and Technology