CBN(立方氮化硼 )的生长速率很低 ,用普通方法很难长出大的晶体。在本文中用Mg为触媒 ,在hBN -Mg体系中加入适当比例的水或酒精控制cBN晶体的自发成核。由于在高温下水能分解六方氮化硼 (hBN) ,在系统中形成高活性的B和N原子 ,从而改变了晶体的生长环境 ,提高了生长速率 ,使晶体迅速长大 ,在 5 5Gpa和 15 0 0℃超高压高温条件下保温 8分钟获得了 1 6mm的cBN晶体。本文还讨论了在该体系中cBN晶体的生长机制。
The growth rate of CBN (cubic boron nitride) is very low It is difficult to produce large single crystal using common method In this paper, we used Mg as catalyst, water or ethanol was added in the system of hBN (hexaganal boron nitride) Mg to control the spontaneous nacleation of cBN crystal Meantime, because the water could dissolve hBN into B and N at high temperature, this made more active N and B atoms in the system, thus improved the growth conditions and elevated the velocity of the crystal growth The largest cBN single crystal with 1 6mm in diameter was obtained in 8 min at ultra high pressure and high temperature of 5 5GPa and 1500~1700℃
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (60 1 760 0 9)