提出了设计超宽带无载波雷达发射机波形的一般原则。这种波形有利于脉冲有效辐射与保真。首先导出了频域内的传输函数 ,如果输入信号是δ函数 ,则传输函数就是输出波形函数。然后 ,再将频域传输函数变换到时域 ,得到时域波形函数。最后 ,按此原则设计了无载波超宽带雷达发射机 ,获得了满意的电性能。
The general critera for design of signal waveform of carrier-free UWB radar transmitter are presented in this paper. The designed waveform is advantage for the pulse waveform to be effectively radiated with fidelity. First, a transmisson function is derived in time domain. If the input signal is a δ-function ,then, the output waveform function must be the transmisson function. Next, the waveform function in frequency domain is transformed into time domain. The waveform function in time domain is obtained. Finally, Carrier-free UWB radar transmitte waveform is designed by these critera. The characteristics of the transmitter are excellent.
Modern Radar