我国现行规范规定采用残留马歇尔稳定度和冻融劈裂试验来评价沥青混合料抗水损害的能力 ,但是由于试验条件控制不够合理 ,与路面实际状态并没有建立良好的关系。因此 ,在分析了现行的水稳定性评价方法不足的基础上 ,本文重点讨论了空隙率和饱水率对冻融劈裂试验结果的影响 ,通过试验研究提出常规冻融劈裂试验空隙率应控制在 7%~ 8%或采用马歇尔标准击实 2 5次 ,饱水率应控制在 6 0 %~ 75 %。
The remains stability and freeze-thaw indirect tension experiment are used to evaluate the water damage in current criterion, but evaluations are poor relationship with the practice because the test condition. So, in this paper, the effects of air void and saturated water rate on the test results were studied. Based on the Freeze-thaw indirect tension test, the air void should be controlled within 7-8%, and the saturated water rate should be controlled within 60-75%.
Northeastern Highway