
环境钙对鲤鱼血浆钙含量及斯坦尼氏小体结构的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Aquatic Calcium Change on the Plasma Calcium Level and the Ultrastructure of Stannius Corpuscle in Carps Cyprinus carpio
摘要 将鲤鱼①饲养在富钙淡水 (天然淡水中添加 0 5 %CaCl2 )中 ,②在富钙淡水饲养 8d后分别腹腔注射维生素D3 (VD3 ,5 0 0 0U/ 10 0g体重 ,以提高细胞外钙浓度 )和鲤鱼斯坦尼氏小体 (CS)匀浆液 (0 5mg/10 0g体重 ,以降低细胞外钙浓度 ) ,③富钙淡水饲养 2 8d后转入天然淡水。单纯的高钙环境能够诱导鲤鱼出现高血钙 ;注射VD3 和CS匀浆液则分别引起血钙水平升高和降低。血钙升高时 ,CS囊泡萎缩 ,分泌细胞的核增大、粗面内质网增多、细胞脱颗粒化 ,提示CS分泌细胞在Ca2 + 的作用下合成与分泌活动旺盛 ,但过度刺激将导致分泌细胞的衰竭与破裂 ;当血钙降低时 ,上述症状有所缓解 ,分泌细胞内的分泌颗粒积累 ,提示CS分泌细胞的分泌活动减弱 ,合成活动正常 ;从高钙环境转入天然淡水后 ,CS分泌细胞的结构与功能亦可逐渐恢复正常。鲤鱼CS的状态受细胞外和体外钙水平变动的影响 ,而且这种影响是可逆的。 Carps ( Cyprinus carpio ) were treated with ①rearing in calcium enriched freshwater (CEF,supplemented with 0 5% CaCl 2),②injecting VD 3 (5?000?U per 100?g body weight) or carps corpuscle of Stannius (CS) homogenate (0 5?mg per 100?g body weight) into abdominal cavity after 8 days rearing in CEF,and ③transferring to natural freshwater after 28 days rearing in CEF.The hypercalcemia of carps was induced by the CEF;and the plasma calcium level (PCL) further increased and decreased by injection VD 3 and CS homogenate,respectively.While PCL increased,CS follicles shrunk,and CS secretory cells changed as follows:the nucleus enlarged,the rough endoplasmic reticulum dilated,and the secretory granules depleted.The shrinking and changes indicate that calcium can stimulate synthesis and releasing of CS secretory cells,but hyperactivity of these cells results in exhaustion and rupture.While PCL decreased,or returned back to the natural freshwater,above symptoms lightened,and the secretory granules in CS secretory cells accumulated.The state of carps CS is influenced by the calcium level out of cell and body,and the influences are reversible.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期274-280,共7页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 河南省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 9940 1170 0 ) 河南省教育厅自然科学基础研究基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 0 10 80 0 )
关键词 鲤鱼 斯坦尼氏小体 钙水平 维生素D3 斯坦尼氏小体匀浆液 Cyprinus carpio Corpuscle of Stannius Calcium level Vitamin D 3 CS homogenate
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