用透射电镜技术观察了秀丽白虾 (Exopalaemonmodestus)不同发育阶段卵巢滤泡细胞的超微结构及其与卵母细胞的联系。随着卵母细胞的发育进程 ,滤泡细胞经历了发育和退化过程。在卵黄大量发生期 ,卵母细胞被多层滤泡细胞包绕 ,血窦伸入层间 ;滤泡细胞内含有丰富的内质网、高尔基体、线粒体、核糖体及原始卵黄颗粒。在卵子成熟期 ,滤泡细胞由内向外依次解体 ,血窦萎缩。这些形态变化支持滤泡细胞具有吸收血液营养、合成并向卵母细胞输送原始卵黄物质的功能的观点。与锯缘青蟹。
The ultrastructure of follicular cells in the Exopalaemon modestus ovary,and their connection with oocytes at the different developmental stages were observed with a transmission electron microscopy.Developed with the oocytes,follicular cells experienced a process from development to deterioration.At the stage of yolk mass occurrences,oocytes were surrounded by several layers of follicular cells,and sinuses extended between the layers.Endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi bodies,mitochondria,ribosomes and pro yolk granules were abundant in follicular cells.At the autumn of eggs,follicular cells started to retrogress sequentially from the inner layer to the outer layer,sinuses atrophied.These morphological changes are in keeping with the observation that follicular cells function in absorbing nutrients from blood,synthesizing and transferring pro yolk substance to oocytes.The function is somewhat different from those documented for Scylla serrata,Penaeus penicillatus and Eriocheir sinensis .