目的 :探讨核素骨显像在脊柱转移瘤及其他脊柱疾病诊断中的价值。材料和方法 :104例经手术病理诊断的脊柱疾病患者行99mTc -MDP全身骨平面显像 ,将显像图分为局部异常浓聚、局部异常稀疏、局部加其他部位异常浓聚或稀疏、其他部位异常浓聚或稀疏几种。结果 :骨显像诊断脊柱疾病的灵敏度为 :转移瘤90.6 % ,原发恶性肿瘤76.0 % ,良性肿瘤52.9 % ,瘤样病损85.7 % ,炎性病变100 % ,压缩性骨折100 %。62.5 %的转移瘤患者伴有其他部位骨骼的异常浓聚或稀疏灶。非转移瘤的其他脊柱疾病 ,23.6 %伴有异位异常浓聚或稀疏灶。结论 :核素骨显像是诊断骨转移瘤的最佳方法。对其他脊柱疾病 。
Purpose:To investigate the value of radionuclide bone imaging indiagnosing spinal metastases and other spinal diseases.Materials and Methods:Radionuclide planar whole-body bone imaging studies with 99m Tc-MDP were performed in104patients with various spinal diseases confirmed by histopathology.The findings were as follows:Local high uptake of imaging agent,local reduced uptake,local and other bone high or reduced uptake,and other bone high or reduced uptake.Results:The sensitivities of bone imaging detecting metastatic tumors,primary malignant bone tumors,benign bone tumors,tumorlike lesions,inflammatory diseases and compressed fractures were respectively90.6%,76.0%,52.9%,85.7%,100%and100%.20of32(62.5%)patients with metastases showed local and other bone high or reduced uptakes.17of72(23.6%)patients with non-metastatic bone lesions had local and other bone high or reduced uptakes.Conclusion:Radionuclide bone imaging is the choice of diagnosing bone metastases.In non-metastatic bone diseases,bone imaging might be helpful in judging the lesions to be single or multiple focuses.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging