
一种人脸图象自动识别方法及实验 被引量:5

A Novel Method on Face Recognition
摘要 为了很好解决小样本情况下线性鉴别矢量的求解问题,定义了Fisher极小准则函数与广义Fisher极小准则函数,并从理论上说明了二者的等价性。基于广义Fisher极小准则函数,推导出一个新的广义特征方程。具有最多鉴别信息的鉴别矢量可通过求解新方程得到。人脸图象的识别结果表明,本文方法具有较优性能。 Fisher minimum criterion and generalized Fisher minimum criterion are defined. In fact, the two criteria are equivalent. Based on the generalized Fisher minimal criterion, a novel eigen equation is proposed. Linear discriminant vectors with most discriminant information can be obtained through the novel eigen equation. Experiment on a face database shows that the method used in this paper is excellent.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期14-16,共3页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(60072034)
关键词 FISHER准则 线性鉴别矢量 图象处理 人脸识别 Fisher criterion linear discriminant vectors image processing face recognition
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