
论中小企业群的融资优势 被引量:4

On the Advantages of Financing of Small-and Mid-sized Enterprises
摘要 中小企业群早已经存在于世界各国 ,并且表现出了相当而且持续的优势和活力 ,在理论界和实践中引起了广泛的注意 ,他们对中小企业群的演进历程、形成原因以及形成方式等各个方面都作了仔细的分析 ,而少有文章结合单个中小企业发展过程中的困难论述中小企业群外部经济性的具体表现。本文拟从融资问题开始对企业群外部经济具体表现进行探析 ,希望能给宏观部门如何优化企业外部环境进而整体改善其融资状况提供一些参考。 Small- and mid-sized enterprises have already e xisted all over the world; furthermore, they show relatively enduring advantages and ac tivities, which attract comprehensive attention in the theoretical and practical field. They give elaborate analysis about evolution process, formation reason and pattern of small- and mid-sized enterprises. However, there are few articles that demonstrate the specific exhibitions of external economy in relation to dif ficulties in the process of single small- and mid-sized enterprise development. This article will research specific exhibitions of external economy of small- an d mid-sized enterprises from the beginning of financing of small- and mid-sized enterprises,and wishes to offer some reference to macro-departments about how t hey optimize enterprises' external environment then improve situation of financ ing.
机构地区 武汉大学商学院
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第1期22-26,共5页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 中小企业群 系统 风险 融资优势 small- and mid-sized enterprises system risk advantage of financing
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