目的 :对一种新型水凝胶人工髓核的生物力学特性进行研究 ,为将来临床开展人工髓核置换手术提供科学依据。方法 :采用 7具新鲜标本的L4~ 5脊柱功能单元进行生物力学实验 ,在轴向压缩、前屈后伸和左右侧弯等运动工况下 ,观察正常椎间盘、髓核摘除以及人工髓核植入三种状态下椎间盘高度、应变和位移的变化。结果 :髓核摘除后椎间盘的高度和刚度降低 ,应变和位移加大 ;而人工髓核植入后椎间盘的稳定性提高。结论 :这种新型水凝胶人工髓核置换可纠正髓核摘除后的生物力学紊乱 ,有望进入临床应用。
Objective: To evaluate the biomechanical properities of a new kind of hydrogel prosthetic nucleus, the scientific data can be gathered for further clinical application. Methods: Seven L 4~5 functional spinal units from fresh cadavers were used in the test. Under three different conditions (intact, after nucleotomy and after implantation of the prosthetic nucleus), the height, stress and displacement of intervertebral disc were analyzed in axial compression, flexion, extension, left and right bending positions. Results: After nucleotomy, the height and strength of the disc were reduced and the stress and displacement were increased. Once the prosthesis was implanted, the stability of the intervertebral disc was improved. Conclusion: The replacement of prostheses can correct the biomechanical disorder after nucleotomy. This new kind of hydrogel prosthetic nucleus is hopeful in clinical application.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine