目的 :探讨胃切除术后并发内疝的早期诊断和治疗。方法 :笔者从 1976年 10月~ 2 0 0 1年 9月行Billrath氏Ⅱ式胃大部切除术 30 5例 ,术后 7例并发内疝 ,分析总结手术资料。结果 :胃大部切除术后并发内疝的早期诊断条件 :1)胃大部切除史 ;2 )突发性上腹剧痛 ;3)恶心 ,呕吐 ,严重的有休克综合征 ;4 )必要的X -Bay“流畅”钡餐摄片检查。结论 :充分认识和重视胃切除术后并发内疝的有效诊断和治疗及预防方法 。
Objective: To study earlier diagnoses and treatment for In-Hernia complecated after gastrectomy. Methods: Concluding from operation materials of 7 post operation In-Hernia cases in 305 times Billrath'sⅡgastrectomy since 1976.10 to 2001.9. Results: The fundamental conditions of diagnoses for In-Hernia after gestrectomy: 1. the history of gastrectomy on every certain person; 2. out bursting upper abdomen ache; 3. queasiness and puking, it would develop to chocking syndrome at worst. 4. the inspection of X-Bay “fluency” photos is very necessary. Conclusion: To realize and pay high attention to the effitive diagnose ,treatment and prevention of in-hernia after gastrectomy is better for enhancing the treatment.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine