目的 探讨新城鸡瘟病毒修饰的自体肿瘤疫苗 (NDV ATV)对非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC)患者TH1 TH2 的影响。方法 用ELISA方法于手术前 2d、NDV ATV治疗前 1周及每次接种后 1周检测外周血血清中TH1 类细胞因子 (IL 2、IFN γ)和TH2类细胞因子 (IL 4、IL 10 )浓度。结果 NSCLC患者免疫系统以TH2 占优势 ;经连续 4次 ( 4周 )NDV ATV治疗后 ,以TH1 占优势。结论 NSCLC患者机体免疫系统以TH2 占优势 ,可能与肿瘤“免疫逃逸”有关 ;NDV ATV主动特异性免疫疗法能改变肿瘤患者TH2 占优势的局面 ,使TH2 向TH1 扭转 ,这可能是NDV ATV免疫治疗的机理之一。
Objective To explore the effects of new castle disease virus modified autologous tumor vaccine (NDV ATV) specific immunotherapy on T H1 /T H2 profile in the patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer(NSCLC). Methods T H1 type(IL 2,IFN γ)and T H2 type (IL 4,IL 10 )cytokines were determined at 2 days before operation, 1 week before and after each NDV ATV inoculation by enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Results There was a predominant profile of T H2 in the patients with NSCLC. After continuous inoculation with NDV ATV 4 times (4 weeks), the predominance of T H2 were changed to that of T H1 . Conclusion There is a predominant profile of T H2 in the patients with NSCLC, which might contribute partially to the tumor immune escape. The active specific immune therapy with NDV ATV can turn the predominance of T H2 to that of T H1 , which might be one of the infectors related to the efficiency of NDV ATV in clinical research.
Immunological Journal