目的 :探讨湿润烧伤膏 (MEBO)对外阴癌根治术后刀口裂开创面的治疗作用。方法 :将 1 994年以来 1 2例外阴癌根治术后刀口裂开患者创面 ,外涂MEBO ,半暴露治疗 ,涂药厚度 1mm~ 2mm ,每 4小时~ 6小时换药一次。结果 :治疗 3天~ 5天后 1 2例患者创面开始有新鲜肉芽生长 ,1 0天~ 2 1天后伤口全部愈合 ,无一例发生感染。结论
Objective: To study the efficacy of MEBO in treating open wounds post radical operation of dudendum carcinoma. Method: 12 cases of this disease were treated with MEBO. MEBO was applied locally to the wounds to a thickness of 1 to 2mm once every 4 to 6 hours. Result: New granulation tissue began to grow after 3 to 5 days in all 12 cases. The open wounds healed after 10 to 12 days and no one infected. Conclusion: MEBO could promote healing of the open wounds
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers