目的 :探讨用乙肝五项ELISA试剂盒中的底物A液、B液检测大面积烧伤早期并发应激性溃疡出血患者粪便隐血的临床诊断意义。方法 :采用“AB液法”和联苯胺法检测 4 1例大面积烧伤患者早期粪便隐血 ,每例连续检测 3次 ,共 12 3次 ,进行对比分析 ,用单克隆抗体法 (简称单抗法 )做AB液法的灵敏度试验。结果 :单抗法、AB液法和联苯胺法阳性次数分别为 5 2、 5 1、 32次 ,有 2 4次标本AB液法检测结果为阳性 ,但联苯胺法为阴性 ,使用单抗法验证此 2 4次标本 ,结果均为阳性 ;单抗法、AB液法和联苯胺法阳性率分别为4 2 3%、 4 1 5 %、 2 6 0 % ,AB液法与联苯胺法相比 ,x2 =6 6 5 4,P <0 0 5 ,有显著性差异 ;AB液法、联苯胺法与单抗法符合率分别为 98 1% (5 1/5 2 )、 5 1 9% (2 7/5 2 )。结论 :AB液法经济实用、操作简单、灵敏度高、特异性强、检测快速、显色稳定、结果易于判断、试剂稳定易保存 。
Objective:To explore the clinical significance of diagnosis of burn complicated by stress ulcer hemorrhage at the early stage,usint liquid A and B in hepatitis B five item ELLSA kit for detecting occult blood in feces. Method:41 cases of large area burn had their feces detected at the early stage using Liquid A and B, and benjidine metods,each case was detected 3 times, so the detection was done for 123 times. The sensitivity of Liquid A and B method was checked by using monoclone antibody method. Result:The positive rate of monoclone antibody metod,Liquid A and Bmethod and benjidine method was respectively 42 3%,41 5% and 26 0%. A comparison between Liquid A and B method and benjidine method showed that the difference was significant x 2=6 654, P<0 05; The agreement rate of the result of Liquid A and B method and benjidine metod with the result of monoclone antibody method was respectively 98 1%(51/52),51 9%(27/52).Conclusion: Liquid A and B method is economical and practical, easy to apply and highly specific. This method is very fast and the visualized color is stable so it is easy to judge. In many cases, liquid A and B method can replace monoclone antibody method for detecting occult blood of burn patients with stress hemorrhage.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers
liquid A and B
feces occult blood burn
stress hemorrhage