常规电镜观察显示螅状独缩虫口部单毛基索 (HK)、第一 (P1)和第二咽膜 (P2 )旁各有一片微纤维结构。经一步抽提后 ,这些微纤维结构仍存在。三步抽提显示它们是由直径 12nm左右的类中间纤维构成的网格结构 ,细胞松弛素B不能使其解体。HK和P1旁的微纤维结构在口围唇处即已形成 ,随着向胞口延伸 ,微纤维结构逐渐变宽 ,并形成典型的网格结构。
Using silver staining,sequential fractionation and electron microscopy technologies,we invested the buccal filamentous reticulums(Fr)of Carchesium polypinum. In contrast to the previous reports which discovered that there was one Fr between Polykinety and Haplokinety,we found that there were three Fr in the buccal structure of Carchesium polypinum,accompanying respectively the Haplokinety,Peniculus 1 and Peniculus 2. Sequential fractionation followed by electron microscopy revealed that these Fr consisted mainly of filaments with diameters of 12nm. In addition,these Fr were not sensitive to cytochalasin B,and resisted to sequential fractionation. Based on these findings,we concluded that these Fr consisted of like-intermediate filaments. Using electron microscopy,we reconstructed the Fr in the buccal structure of Carchesium polypinum. The two Fr paralleling the Haplokinety and Peniculus 1 begin at the Peristome,gradually widen and develop into reticulation in the Infundibulum. The Fr which parallels Peniculus 2 may begin at the upper part of the Infundibulum. It has the similar morphometrics with the other two Fr. Near the Cytostome,the three Fr converge into a wider filamentous reticulum.
Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (编号 :3 973 0 0 70 )