目的 :探讨在进行肝胆超声检查的同时对胃区进行常规扫查的意义。方法 :本文总结了 1993年以来在做肝胆超声检查时首诊发现胃壁增厚的病例 94例 ,所有病人均做了胃内窥镜检查及病理组织学诊断。结果 :共发现胃癌 73例 ,占总病例数 78% ;胃溃疡及胃炎各 8例 ,各占总病例数的 8.5 % ;胃肠间质瘤 3例 ,占 3.1% ;恶性胃肠间质瘤及胃恶性淋巴瘤各占 1.0 8%。结论 :在临床医生未明确诊断的情况下 ,作为超声科医生能在检查肝胆疾患的同时对胃区进行扫查 ,可以发现一些较明显的胃壁增厚性病变 ,提醒临床医生做进一步的检查。
Objective:To exlpore the routine ultrasonic scanning significance for liver,dilliary and gastric area examination simultaneously.Methods:Since 1993,this paper summarize the first ultrasonic examination for liver and billiary system,the 94 cases had gastric wall thickening change were found,all patients underwent the gastroscopy and histop athologic diagnosis.Results:The 73 cases of gastric carcinoma were found,the ratio between these cases and the total number is 78%;the gastric ulcer and gastritis were found in 8 cases respectively,the tatio is 8.5%;gastroenteric mesenchymoma 3 cases,the ratio is 3.1%,the malignant gastroenteric mesenchymoma and gastric lymphoma,the ratio is 1.08%,respectively.Conclusion:If the diagnosis is not clear by the clinical physician,as a ultrasonic doctor,can be scanning to the liver,billiary diseases and gastric area simultaneouly,some obvious gastric wall thickening lesions may by found,and awoke to the clinical physician further perform another examination.
Journal of Medical Imaging
Ultrasonic examination