目的 :探讨输尿管囊肿影像学诊断的价值。方法 :应用B超、CT、静脉尿路造影 (IVU)综合检查 ,诊断 18例输尿管囊肿合并重肾双输尿管畸形 ,并与手术结果进行对比。结果 :B超、CT、IVU均诊断 18例为输尿管囊肿。其中 ,B超均可显示囊肿大小及变化 ;CT诊断 14例膀胱内外均呈囊性扩张 ,4例仅膀胱内输尿管囊性扩张 ,18例合并上肾积水 ,及重肾、双输尿管畸形。IVU诊断 12例上肾积水 ,9例明确为重肾双输尿管畸形。结论 :输尿管囊肿需经B超、CT、IVU联合诊断明确是否合并肾畸形及囊肿的分型 ,指导治疗方案的制定。
Objective:To evaluate the radiographic findings of the hyterotopia ureterocele.Methods:All the 18 cases medical documents were reviewed and analysed.Results:The diagnosis of all the cases were established on IVU?CT and ultrasonography (USG). USG can show changes of the cystic lesiens. CT diagnosis 14 cases have cystic dilated both in and out urinary bladder, 18 cases have renal duplication. IVU diagnosis 12 cases have hydronephrosis and 9 cases have renal duplication.Conclusion:Ultrasonography combinedly used with IVU CT is an important measure in the diagnosis of hyterotopia ureterocele.
Journal of Medical Imaging