桩基围护结构是深基坑支护的主要方式 ,但在高水位地区的基坑围护桩桩间 ,由于围护结构桩后水压力比较大及季节性的水位变化 ,经常会造成桩间竖向止水帷幕破坏 ,从而发生漏水现象 .由于漏水现象的出现 ,导致墙后水土压力发生改变 ,基坑四周地面出现不均匀的沉降或沉陷 .同时 ,由于漏水使基坑内部的施工受到很大的影响 .根据围护桩间漏水的受力模型与工程实例的对比分析结果 。
The main way of base holes is rounding pile construction. Because the hydraulic pressure fairly great and changing of the seasonal water level in the back of rounding pile. the curtain of hindering water is often destroyed by base holes in the high water level district. Owing to leaking water appearance, pressure of water and soil is changed behind the wall, and that the sink of the ground around the base holes appear. Others, there is a great infect to the base holes construction. This text is on the basis of the result of contrast and analysis about force model between rounding pile in leaking water, the handle scheme to prevent the concrete method leaking water between the piles in the high water level district is given.
high water level
rounding pile
leaking water
stop up