目的 探讨老年周围动脉闭塞性疾病 (peripheralarterialocclusivedisease ,PAOD)患者血管内皮活性因子水平及其临床意义。 方法 检测 3 3例确诊老年PAOD患者血浆一氧化氮 (NO)、内皮素 (ET)、血栓素B2(TXB2 )、6 酮 前列腺素F1α(6 K PGF1α)、P选择素 (PS)及血管性假血友病因子 (vWF) 6种血管内皮活性物质的水平 ,并分别与 40例健康老人及 3 0例具有心血管危险因素的非PAOD患者相比较。 结果 老年PAOD组的NO[(2 8 88± 8 54) μmol·L- 1]和 6 K PGF1α[(83 47± 13 67)ng·L- 1]水平显著低于健康老年组及心血管危险因素组 ,而ET[(95 0 9± 49 18)ng·L- 1]和TXB2 [(664 4± 3 3 1 8)ng·L- 1]、PS[(14 0 6± 2 18) μg·L- 1]及vWF[(10 4 42± 3 1 4) % ]水平显著高于健康对照组和心血管危险因素组。 结论 老年PAOD患者内皮功能失调 ;积极的控制心血管病危险因素 。
Objective To detect the plasma concentration of endothelial vasoa ctive factors in the elderly patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD).MethodsPlasma nitric oxide (NO ), endothelin (ET), thromboxane B 2 (TXB 2),6-keto-PGF 1α (6-K-PGF 1α ), P-selectin (PS), von Wille brand factor (vWF) were measured in 33 PAOD patients, 40 old healthy controls and 30 non-PAOD patients with cardiac risk factors. The results were analyzed. Results The levels of NO and 6-K-PGF 1α were (28.88±8.54)μmol·L -1 and (83.47±13.67)ng·L -1 , and the concentrations of ET, TXB 2 , PS and vWF were (95.09±49.18)ng· L -1 , (664.4±331.8)ng·L -1 , (14.06±2.18)μg·L -1 and (104.42±31.4)% in PAOD patients respectively. Conclusions The endo thelial function was impaired in the old PAOD patients, and more attention shou l d be paid to the control of cardiovascular risk factors and amelioration of vasc ular endothelial function in the treatment of PAOD.
Practical Geriatrics