目的 探讨腹主动脉多排螺旋CT血管三维成像 (CTA3D)的价值。 方法 回顾性分析了 51例腹主动脉CT血管三维成像 ,其中正常 4例、腹主动脉瘤 3 3例、腹主动脉夹层动脉瘤 5例、腹主动脉金属支架植入 9例。造影剂量按 1 5ml·kg- 1,注射速率为 3ml·s- 1。扫描延迟时间按 2种方法进行 :①造影剂跟踪扫描 ;②造影剂峰值测试进行时间延迟。数据重建为三维工作站用RealTime 3D及Fly 3D(VR) ,有的亦用多平面重建法 (MPR)、曲面重建法 (CPR)及仿真内镜 (VE)。 结果 51例腹主动脉CT成像 ,4例为正常 ,3 3例腹主动脉瘤和 5例腹主动脉夹层动脉瘤 ,经MPR、RT3D、VE等成像 ,均能清晰显示动脉瘤体及夹层的真假腔和破裂口。 9例腹主动脉金属支架植入可清晰显示支架的部位、范围、通畅情况。 结论 多排螺旋CTA3D腹主动脉成像是一种安全 ,无创性的检查方法 。
Objective To explore the value of multi-slice spiral CT angiography 3 dimensional imaging in abdominal aorta. Methods 51 cases of multi-slice spira l CT angiography 3 dimensional imaging in abdominal aorta were analyzed retrospe ctively, inc luding 4 cases of normalities, 33 abdominal aneurysm ,5 abdominal aortic diss ecting aneurys m,9 abdominal aortic stent. Two methods of delay time were used:bo lus tracking and test bolus. Data were reconstructed by Real time 3D, Fly 3D ( Volume rendering VR) and multiple planar reformation (MPR), curved planar refor m ation (CPR) and visual endoscopy (VE) in work-station. ResultsAll cases were imaged by MPR and RT3D , VE, CPR, VR,and the body of aneury sm and real cave, false cave in dissecting aneurysm were clear. The image of 9 cas es of abdomina l aortic stent could show their site, size, extent of disease. Conclusions Multi -slice spiral CT angiography imaging in abdominal aorta was a safe method witho ut any damage,which is of value in clinical application.
Practical Geriatrics