目的 探讨支撑喉镜下电视内窥镜的喉微创外科手术的应用价值。方法 应用支撑喉镜下电视内窥镜的喉微创外科手术治疗 5 6例患者 ,其中 32例采用全身麻醉 ,2 4例采用气管插管全身麻醉。结果 5 6例病人全部成功完成手术 ,其中除 1例双侧声带中重度不典型增生患者双侧声带剥皮术后 ,病检报告双侧声带均出现癌性病变后行全喉切除。其余 5 5例 ,随访 6~ 36月 ,发音恢复正常者 5 0例 ,发音功能明显好转 5例 ,均未见复发。并发症 :有 2例门齿松动 ,有 2例舌体麻木 ,术后 2 0~ 30d恢复。
Objective: To investigate the value of telescopic video microlaryngeal surgery through the suspension laryngoscopy.Methods:Fifty-six patients were performed telescopic video microlaryngeal surgery through suspension laryngoscopy. Among of the 56 patients, 32 patients were performed general anaesthesia, 24 patients were performed intubation general anaesthesia. Results:All patients were operated successfully. Because both vocal cords had been malignant pathological changes diagnosed by biopsy after vocal cords stripping of skin, 1 patient with both vocal cords atypical hyperplasia was performed total laryngectomy. The other 55 patients were followed up 3~18 months, pronunciation function returned to normal in 50 patients, and improved significantly in the other 5 patients. None patient has recurrent. Complications including 2 patients' fore-teeth loosed and 2 patients' lingua had numbness. The 2 patients' lingua numbness have recoved after 20~30 day operation. Conclusion: It is a valuable technique in laryngeal surgery that telescopic video microlaryngeal surgery through the suspension laryngoscopy.
China Journal of Endoscopy
video endoscope
disease of laryngeal surgery laryngomicrosurgery