目的 探讨米索前列醇用于治疗药物不全流产的可行性。方法 将 112例B超确诊药物流产不全者分为早用药组和晚用药组。早用药组为服用米非司酮后 10~ 15dB超确诊者 ,晚用药组为服用米非司酮后 16~ 2 1dB超确诊者 ,均给予米索前列醇 6 0 0 μg口服 ,2 4~ 4 8h后B超确定疗效。 结果 早用药组完全流产率明显高于晚用药组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,早用药组中宫腔内容物直径≤ 3cm者完全流产率明显增高 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 使用药物抗早孕在服药 10~ 15d间B超确诊流产不全者采用米索前列醇治疗具有较好效果。
Objective:To study the therapic effectiveness of misoprostol on incomplete abortion induced by mifepristone and misoprostol for early medical abortion.Methods:112 patients receiving mifepristone and misoprostol for termination of early pregnancy and then diagnosed incomplete abortion by ultrasond were divided into early treatment group and late treatment group. Patients in early treatment group received misoprostol 600 μg orally 10 ~ 15 days after taking mifepristone. Patients in late treatment group received misoprostol 600 μg orally by follow up 16 ~ 21 days after taking mifepristone. In 24 ~ 48 h after taking misoprostol, ultrasond examinations were performed in all patients to evaluate the therapeutic effects. Results:The complete abortion rate in early treatment group was significantly higher than that in the late treatment group (P<0.05). In early treatment group , the complete abortion rates in patients ,whose diameters of intrauterine substances were not more than 3 cm, increased significantly(P<0.05).Conclusions:Misoprostol administered orally has better therapeutic effectiveness on patients who were diagnosed incomplete abortion in 10 ~15days after taking mifepristone for termination of early pregnancy.
China Journal of Modern Medicine
incomplete abortion
early pregancy