支持东北等老工业基地加快调整、改造 ,同实施西部大开发战略和加快东部地区发展一起 ,构成了中国现代化建设的重大战略布局。老工业基地的调整改造涉及到经济结构调整、技术改造、企业重组等方方面面的问题 ,而其前提无疑是需要巨额的资金。
Backing the old industry base's adjustment and transformation,together with the widely opening up in the west and accelerating the development in the east,form the significant strategy layout of Chinese modernization construction.The old industry base's adjustment and transformation involves matters of economic structure's adjustment,technical innovation,enterprises' composition afresh and the society guarantee system's reform etc.But the premise is the need of a large amount of money.
The Border Economy and Culture