器官移植是 2 0世纪最为重要的医学成就之一。它不仅表明人正日益成为技术的“作品” ,而且引出了许许多多的伦理问题。这些问题既涉及生命的价值与尊严 ,又涉及人对生命完整性的自我理解 ,也涉及医疗资源的合理分配 ,还涉及人与其它动物的关系 ,更涉及技术应用的伦理导向。本文试图从器官移植的伦理原则及其与现实的冲突着眼 ,对上述问题进行初步解答。
As one of the most important medical achievements in the 20th century, organ transplantation not only shows that human beings are gradually becoming “works' of technology, but gives rise to many ethical problems, which are concerned with the value and dignity of life, human understanding of the wholeness of life, a rational distribution of medical resources, the relationship between human beings and other animals as well as the ethical orientation of technological application. This paper offers possible solutions to these problems by centering on the ethical principles of organ transplantation and the conflicts between these principles and reality.$$$$
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition