意象分析是一种有效的文学批评方法。本文围绕莎士比亚早期作品———长诗《鲁克丽斯受辱记》 ,谈谈文学意象的分析及其意义。《鲁克丽斯受辱记》中的文学意象主要有以下几类 :(1)火焰的意象 ;(2 )红色 (玫瑰 )与白色 (百合 )的象征意象 ;(3)光明与黑暗的对比意象 ;(4 )战争与屠杀的军事意象 ;(5 )动物与自然界的意象。它们起着揭示主题、表达情感、诉诸感官等作用 ,有助于加深对作品思想内涵和艺术手法的理解。
Imagery analysis is an effective method of literary criticism. This thesis, which centers on Shakespeare's early long poem The Rape of Lucrece, elucidates the use of literary imagery analysis and its significance. The author thinks that this poem includes five kinds of imagery: (1) imagery of fire; (2) symbolic imagery of red and white colors (or imagery of rose and lily); (3) contrastive imagery of brightness and darkness; (4) military imagery of war and slaughter; (5) imagery of animals and nature. All these uses of imagery have the functions of revealing the theme, expressing emotions and appealing to sense organs, all of which contribute ideologically and artistically to a better understanding of this poem.$$$$
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition