从大学生素质的构成来看 ,综合素质是基础──复合性、多维化是综合素质的基本特征 ;人文素质是核心──人文精神是人文素质的内核 ;专业素质是根本———大学生应具有独立学习的素质、思维素质、探索和创新的素质、审美素质与表达的素质。发展大学生的素质 ,应正确认识与处理“知识、能力、素质”、“学生、环境、实践”等相关因素及其关系 ,推行“合格 +特长”大学生素质发展模式 ,实施“大学生素质拓展计划”这一发展大学生素质的新举措。
In college student's quality,sythetic quality is the base,characterized by its complerity and multi-dimentinality;humane quality is the core and speciality quality is the root.They should be able to study and think independently,explore and create in their own fields,appreciate beauty and express their thoughts freely.In order to develop their quality we should correctly interpret and deal with the relationship between 'Rnowledge,ability and quality' and 'students,environment and practice',pursue the model 'up to standard and special skill' and carry out college student quality development plan,
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition