本文研究了陕西凤县铅桐山铅锌矿床构造变形及其地质地球化学特征。笔者从矿区褶皱变形、岩石有限应变测量、层滑断裂破碎带和矿体产出形态特征、含矿硅质岩特征、层滑破碎带铅锌元素分布、流体包裹体特征等方面分析了该矿床动力热液成矿特征,并提出了该矿床动力热液成矿模式。 通过动力热液成矿特征分析,本文结论是:构造动力作用不仅能形成一些变形构造,同时在适当条件下也能使破碎带金属物质活化转移并富集成矿,而且还能富集形成大型热液矿床——即动力热液形成矿床。这种新观点对认识该矿床成因和进一步找矿勘探等均有重要意义。
The article studied the structural deformation and geology-geochemistry in the Qiandongshan lead-zinc deposits in Feng Xian county, Shaanxi province. The -writers discovered that the deposits are very clear about the dynamo-hydrothermal metallog-enesis. According to the structural deformation showed by the fold deformation, the strain measurement of the rock, the stratabound-slide fault, the attitude and the shape of the deposits, the ferrodolomite, the distribution of lead-zinc elements in the stratabound-slide fault, the fluid inclusion and so on, they analyzed the features of the dynamo-hydrothermal metallogenesis of the deposits. At last, the writers put forward the model of the dynamo-hydrothermal metallogenesis.
Through analyzing the features of the dynamo-hydrothermal metallogenesis, the conclusion of this articls is: the tectono-dynamic function not only can form some deformation and promote the mobilization of the metallic materials in the fault enriching them into ore bodies under the suitable conditions, but also can enrich them into big ore bodies-that is, the dynamo-hydrothermal sulution formed the deposits. This new idea is of great significance for the deposit-forming and for further prospecting the mine.
dynamo-hydrothermal metallogenesis, structural deformation, the source bed, fluid inclusion, tectono-geochemistry, Qiandongshan lead-zinc deposit