The Shangdan fault zone is a boundary fault between the North Qinling Caledonian and the Middle Qinling Hercynian orogenic zones. It is a long-developed and deepcut lithosphere fault with complicated dynamic features and the diversified structural styles.
The fault zone is a trench subduction zone of Andersian-type continental margin of the North China continental block in the Sibao-Jinning period. The subduction orogenesis in the Jinning period formed thermal events, such as deformation and metamorphism, ductile shear zones and ophiolite suite and so on of the North Qinling in the Jinning period ( 800-1000Ma ) . The Caledonian period ( 400-450Ma ) is a main stage of intracontinental subduction and collision orogeny for the North Qinling.
Being affected by the subduction of the circum-pacific plate and the India plate, the Qinling orogenic zone has formed the horst and grabeu structure patterns involving tilled blocks combining with horizontal strike-slip, which is responsible for the grabentype strike-slip structures of the Shandan fault.
Shangdan faults, tough cutoff belt, slip-off nappe, trenched fault subsidence