对国外极月轨道月球卫星的热设计进行了概述,并以一个极月轨道月球卫星为例,介绍了采用单自由度太阳帆板技术的某极月轨道月球卫星.针对该卫星,对其奔月飞行和在极月轨道上环月运行时的外热流与空间散热问题进行分析,根据分析结果,初步提出了该卫星的热设计方案,重点对有效载荷热控问题, ±y侧仪器设备的热控问题,以及热控百叶窗的应用技术等进行了描述.
In this paper, the thermal control designs of polar orbit lunar satellites are summarized, and take a polar orbit lunar satellite with solar panels in single degree of freedom as an example. Then, the analysis of this satellite about its outer heat flux and heat dissipation in space are conducted when it is flying towards the moon and orbiting around the moon. Based on the results of the analysis, the thermal design scheme of this lunar satellite is presented, and the problems about the thermal control of the payloads, the problems about the thermal control of the instruments and equipment on the ±y side, and the application of the thermal louver technique are described.
Chinese Journal of Space Science