采用齿轮齿条传动机构 ,设计了一种新型自适应拟人手指。该手指自身不带驱动器 ,适合抓取不同形状、尺寸的物体 ,使机器人多指手以较少的驱动器驱动较多关节自由度。电机的数量大大减少使机器人手具有许多优点。另外 ,该手指与人的手指相似 ,适合用于拟人多指手。分析了该手指抓持力与其设计参数的关系 。
This paper designed a novel robot finger with s hape adaptation with gea r and rack transmission.The finger fits to grasp all kinds of objects of differe nt shapes and sizes without a motor so it makes the robot hand realize to actuat e more D OFs with less actuators.The few motors in a robot hand may bear many advantages. Additionally,the finger fits to be mounted in a humanoid multi-fingered hand,be cause it is similar to a human finger.This paper analyzed the relationship betwe en the grasping force of the finger and its design parameters.It also proposed t he design principle of structure optimization of the finger.
Machine Design And Research
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 50 2 750 83)