通过采用复合增韧剂、偶联剂对酚醛模塑料的界面进行改性 ,成功地制得了一种耐油型酚醛模塑料 ,并模拟材料的工作环境 :2 0 0℃、2 4 h;1 70℃、1 0 0 h浸油 ,测其力学性能和电绝缘性能 ,除垂直纤维方向的压缩强度外 ,各项性能保持率均达 95 %以上。采用 SEM等手段对其改性效果进行研究和分析 ,并对国外同类材料进行耐油实验分析比较 ,偶联剂、复合增韧剂改性酚醛模塑料是一种综合性能较好的材料 ,并已成功应用于发动机上。
Naturally, phenolic molding plastic parts, in close contact with aero engine, must stand up well even when immersed in oil for a long time. For our experimental study, we used Chinese 4112 oil, whose properties are very close to the special oil imported from Russia. We contracted to improve the properties of phenolic molding plastics, when subjected to oil immersion. First, drawing on our experience, we used proper toughening and coupling agents to improve the mechanical properties of phenolic molding plastics, and we obtained superior mechanical properties as shown in the last column of Table 2. Then we used these improved phenolic molding plastics to make specimens and conduct oil immersion tests. We immersed these specimens in Chinese 4112 oil for 24 h at 200℃(specimens Ⅱ) and for 100 h at 170℃(specimens Ⅲ). For comparison, we also had specimens not immersed in oil(specimens Ⅰ), Table 3 lists the mechanical properties of all three types of specimens made from our improved phenolic molding plastic material. Both type Ⅱ and Ⅲ specimens retain above 95% of all five mechanical properties of type Ⅰ specimens. Similarly, Table 4 shows that both type Ⅱ and Ⅲ specimens retain above 95% of five electrical properties of type Ⅰ specimens. Table 5 lists the five mechanical and five electrical properties obtained by us from samples made from phenolic molding plastic material imported recently from Russia. Comparing Tables.3, 4 and 5, we draw the preliminary conclusion that properties of samples made from our improved phenolic molding plastic material are appreciably better than those of samples made from imported Russian material.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
phenolic molding plastic, oil immersion, mechanical property,electrical property