目的:探讨H89和wortamnnin对霍乱毒素(CTx)促进成年金黄地鼠远端视神经受损后视网膜节细胞(RGCs)再生的影响。方法:远端切断视神经并对接一段自体坐骨神经(AG),玻璃体内注射CTx及H89、wortman—nin。动物随机分为AG组;AG+CTx组;AG+CTx+H89组;AG十CTx+wortmannin组,4 w后粒蓝逆行标记再生的RGCs,荧光显微镜下观察计数。结果:AG十CTx组再生的视网膜节细胞平均数(43.2)明显高出AG组(2.6),AG+CTx+H89组平均再生数为3.2,与AG组相近,明显低于AG+CTx组。AG+CTx+W组平均再生数为9.6,明显高于AG组,低于AG+CTx组。结论:H89和wortmannin可部分抑制CTx对视神经远端切断后视网膜节细胞再生的促进作用。
Objective : To investigate the effects of H89 and wortmannin on the promoting effects of cholera toxin on the regeneration of the optic nerve and the mechanism of Cholera Toxin (CTx) on the regeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs)after distal axotomy in adult hamsters. Methods : After transecting the optic nerve (ON) intracranically, an auto-logus sciatic nerve (attached graft, AG) was removed and connected to the proximal stump of the ON. CTx and H89 or wortmannin were injected intravitreally. Animals were divided into AG group, AG+ CTx group, AG+ H89 + CTx group and AG+ CTx + wortmannin group. Granular blue fluorescent retrograde labeling method was used to measure the quantity of regenerating RGCs 4 weeks after operation. Results :The mean number of regenerating RGCs in AG+ CTx groups was 43.2/retina which was higher than that of AG group (2.6/retina). The mean number of regenerating RGC s in AG + CTx + H89 groups was 3.2/retina, which was not different from that in AG group and was lower that in AG + CTx group. The mean number of regenerating RGCs in AG+ CTx+ wortmannin groups were 9.6/retina, which was higher than that of AG group and lower than that in AG+ CTx group. Conclusion:H89 and wortmannin can partly block the effects of CTx on the regeneration of RGCs after distal axotomy of the optic nerve.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy