
一种过程定义模型及其验证性分析 被引量:6

A Process Definition Model and its Verification Analysis
摘要 软件过程是管理、开发、维护软件系统所需要的一系列活动的偏序集合。软件过程作为一种工作流,其建模和分析可以采用工作流的理论和技术作为支撑。因为任务控制流的图示表示办法直观方便,因此大多系统都采用这种定义方式为软件过程建模。而过程定义的合理性验证问题复杂度通常是非常高的,必须寻求合理的算法。图规约算法就是一种实际可行的算法。 Software process is a partially ordered set of activities undertaken to manage, develop and maintain software systems. As a special workflow,the modeling and analysis of software process can be based on the theory and technique of workflow. Most systems use the task flow graph model to model software process because this kind of model is very intuitive. It's very important to find a sound algorithm to verify the workflow structure correctness because the soundness problem is normally very complex. Graph reduction algorithm is a practicable one.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期145-151,共7页 Computer Science
基金 国家863高技术项目"基于CMM的软件质量保障平台及应用"(编号:2001AA113090)
关键词 软件过程 偏序集合 图规约算法 软件开发 软件维护 Software process,Definition,Modeling,Workflow,Soundness .Verification .Graph reduction
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