近几年在中国掀起了韩国热 ,而在韩国又掀起了中国热 ,这种现象分别被称为“韩流”和“汉潮”。“汉潮”和“韩流”相辅相成 ,共同促进了中韩两国经济、文化的全面沟通和交流。在日益扩大的政治、经济、外交等诸多领域的发展过程中 ,两国应努力加深对彼此文化的了解 ,致力于促进“韩流”和“汉潮”的相互交流与融合 ,使两者成为 2 1世纪中韩合作的催化剂。
Korea Tide' and “China Trend' refer to the intense popular interest of Korea and China in each other. They complement each other in promoting the economic and cultural exchange between the two countries. “Korea Tide' and “China Trend' should function as cooperation catalyst in promoting the cultural exchange of the two countries in political, economic and diplomatic development.
Tangdu Journal