白居易的思想创作分期问题一直是学术界探讨的焦点之一。白居易对退隐、“独善”问题的思考贯穿其整个人生历程。他虽有意针对不同的政治形势而采取不同的人生态度 ,但其“兼济”之志又始终存于胸中 ,并没有在遭到江州之贬的打击或是长庆二年自请外任以后就此减退。白居易身上所表现出来的这种矛盾统一 ,在中国古代士大夫阶层中具有极为典型的意义 ,宋代的士人即对此有着深刻的认同感。故此 ,对白居易的思想创作实不宜作截然性的分期。
The psychological stage of BAI Ju-yi's literary creation has been a point at issue in literary field. Some new arguments emerged in recent years. BAI Ju-yi had been living in seclusion and independent in thinking all through his life. Nevertheless, instead of completely withdrawing from society, he took different attitude toward life in different political situations. This unity of contradictions was very typical among scholar-officials in imperial times of China. Therefore, BAI Ju-yi's literary creation psychology cannot be studied by stages.
Tangdu Journal