
略谈我国翻译研究中为什么没有流派 被引量:30

Why We Don’t Have Theoretical Schools in Our Translation Studies
摘要 流派的形成是研究深化的一个表现,流派意识体现了清晰的理论意识。本文从学术和非学术因素方面分析了我国翻译研究中学术流派眉目不清的若干原因。文章认为,理论意识不清和研究方法方面的一些问题影响了我国翻译研究中流派的形成,同时,我国以往的翻译研究中也不一定没有流派的踪迹,缺乏的是对其理论特征的总结整理。 The formation of schools signifies the sophistication of research, as an awareness of school is actually a clear theoretical awareness. This paper tries to find out some of the reasons, either academic or non-academic, why there is not a clear view of schools in China's translation studies. The author holds that, on the one hand, a wavering realization of the functions of theory and an unsteady methodological ground do embarrass the formation of schools in this field as it is in China, while on the other hand, however, the absence of a clear view of schools does not definitely mean an absence of any schools at all; in fact, what is absent or rather weak is a theoretical examination of our own research in the past and at present.
作者 杨晓荣
出处 《外语与外语教学》 北大核心 2004年第2期39-42,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 翻译研究 流派 理论意识 translation studies, school, theoretical awareness
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