目的 :分析经胸前区腋静脉穿刺置管的临床应用价值及其感染预防措施。方法 :选取65 0例手术病人 ,其中 60 0例行右侧腋静脉穿刺置管 ,5 0例行左侧腋静脉穿刺置管 ,观察置管的成功率及并发症的发生情况。结果 :穿刺置管成功64 4例 ,成功率为 99.1% ,误穿腋动脉 2例 ,经局部按压未造成血肿 ,出现局部感染 1例。结论 :经胸前区腋静脉穿刺中心静脉置管法成功率高 ,为中心静脉穿刺提供了新途径 ;严格的无菌操作、选择合适的穿刺部位及材料。
Objective: to analyze the clinical applying value and infection prevention measures of patients undergoing axillary venipuncture intubation via anterior thoracic wall. Method: a total of 650 cases were selected. Among them, 600 cases underwent right axillary venipuncture intubation and 50 cases underwent left axillary venipuncture intubation. Both success rate and incidence of complications of all patients were observed. Results: 644 cases were successfully intubated. The success rate accounted for 99.1%. None developed pneumothorax or hemothorax. Two cases had mistakenly stabbed into axillary artery. And only one case had developed local infection. Conclusion: axillary venipuncture intubation via anterior thoracic wall is easy to conduct, and with higher success rate. It is a new way to perform central venous intubation. Strictly aseptic manipulation, selecting suitable puncturing area and material, skillful puncturing technique, and good nursing care are the keys to prevent infections for patients.
20 0 3年度汕头市重点科技计划项目 (汕府科 [2 0 0 3] 1 1 9号 )