目的 初步探讨急性冠脉综合征 (ACS)患者冠脉病变特点。方法 对 1 35例ACS患者的冠状动脉造影结果进行分析 ,对其病变特点进行研究。结果 ACS患者病变血管数量为无显著病变为 4例 ,单支病变 5 7例 ,双支病变 4 4例 ,三支病变 30例 ;所累及的血管分别为 :左主干 (LM) 3例 ,左前降支 (LAD) 1 0 1例 ,回旋支 (LCX) 5 4例 ,右冠状动脉 (RA) 74例 ;病变形态特征为 :A型病变 5 3例 ,B型病变 1 0 1例 ,C型病变 32例 ,完全闭塞型病变为 4 9例 ;病变狭窄程度为 :轻度狭窄 4 4例 ,中度狭窄 72例 ,重度狭窄 81例 ,完全闭塞型病变为 4 9例。结论 冠状动脉造影目前是评价冠脉病变的最好方法。
Objective To evaluate coronary angiographic findings in the patients with acute coronary syndromes(ACS). Methods One hundred thirty five cases with ACS were performed by the angiography.And the coronary angiographic findings were analyzed.Results The number of patients with 1 vessel disease,2 vessel disease and 3 vessel disease was 57,44,30,respectively.The involved vessels were LM 3,LAD 101,LCX 54,RA 74.The number of A,B,C type atheroma was 53,101,32,respectively,and the total occlusions were 49.The cases were 44,72,81,respectively,for the mild,the middle stenosis and the sever stenosis.Conclusion Trial evidence demonstrats that coronary angiography is the best approach in patients with ACS.
Chongqing medicine