在微波等离子体化学气相沉积装置中 ,研究了负偏压形核对金刚石薄膜与WC 6 %硬质合金刀具附着力的影响。结果表明 ,负偏压形核不仅能增加金刚石的核密度 ,还能改善金刚石核在WC晶粒上分布的均匀性 ,增加膜基有效结合面积 ,从而增加金刚石薄膜附着力。因负偏压形核时含碳离子被偏压电场加速 ,对刀具表面产生溅射作用 ,采用铜替代置换钴的刀具 ,使用负偏压形核反而降低薄膜附着力 ;而采用磁控溅射镀铜的刀具 ,使用负偏压形核则能进一步提高金刚石薄膜的附着力。
The influence of bias enhanced nucleation(BEN) to the adhesion between diamond coating and WC-6%Co carbide cutting tool is researched with the microwave plasma (CVD) instrument. The result shows that BEN can improve the diamond nuclear density, better the uniformity of the diamond nucleus distributed on WC grains and add the effective bonding area between the film and the substrate to improve the adhesion of diamond coating. On account of the sputtering of carbon ions BEN, replacement of Co by Cu prior to diamond CVD caused a poor adhesion, while magnetron sputtering Cu improved the adhesion of diamond coating further.
Tool Engineering
湖北省科技攻关计划项目 (项目编号 :2 0 0 2AA10 5A0 2 )