目的 观察葛根素对心房颤动患者血栓前状态的影响。方法 随机将 4 2例心房颤动患者分为葛根素组和阿司匹林组。另选 2 1例体检健康者作为正常对照组。在常规治疗基础上 ,葛根素组加用 5 %葡萄糖注射液 +葛根素 5 0 0mg,静脉滴注 ,每日 1次 ,连续 2周 ;阿司匹林组加用阿司匹林 15 0mg ,每日 1次 ,连续口服 2周。观察治疗前后血小板活性标志物P选择素、血浆 β 血栓球蛋白和内皮功能受损标志物血浆血管性假性血友病因子 (vWF)、血管内皮受损指标内皮素 (ET 1)的变化。结果 治疗前心房颤动患者P选择素、血浆vWF、β 血栓球蛋白 (β TG)及ET 1均显著增高。经葛根素与阿司匹林治疗均可降低P选择素、血浆vWF、β TG、ET 1的水平 ,且葛根素和阿司匹林组疗效无明显差异。结论 心房颤动患者存在血小板活性增强和内皮功能受损 ,葛根素可显著改善血小板活化状态和内皮细胞功能 ,且能与阿司匹林相媲美。
Objective To investigate the effects of puerarin injection on prethrombolic status of patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods 42 patients with atrial fibrillation were randomly divided into puerarin injection group and aspirin group. 21 healthy subjects were taken as normal controls. On the basis of routine therapy,the patients of puerarin group were added with 500 ml 5% glucose injection and 500 mg puerarin for 2 weeks,once per day,and the patients of aspirin group were treated with 150 mg aspirin for 2 weeks,once per day. The marker P-selectin and β-TG of platelets activation and the marker vWF and ET-1 of endothelial cell disturbance were determined before and after treatment. Result The levels of P-selectin,vWF,β-TG and ET-1 significantly increased before treatment which would be significantly decreased by puerarin or aspirin. No significant differences were seen in the therapeutic effect between two groups. Conclusion The patients with atrial fibrillation can present strengthened platelet activation and endothelial cell disturbance,which can be significantly improved by puerarin with equivalent effects to aspirin.
Clinical Medicine of China
Atrial fibrillation
Platelet activation
Endothelial cell function