The sample spikes in-bloom on the same day were chosen and a number of them were picked at the fixed times to contraot with conventional wheat in the control experinent, The process of the grain filling of three hybrid societies was observed in the research. The experiment shows that chang of fresh weight, dry weight and percent moisture content and the process of the nitrogenous compound (protein nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, crude protein) accumulation of hybrid wheat are much similar to conventional wheat, and the difference of the hybrid and the conventional lies in daily weight increase per thousand kernel of the hybrid wheat large than that of the conventional wheat in the final watery stage, accordingly, the hybrid wheat does not shows obvious advantage in kernel weight; but grain weight per spike of the hybrid wheat is larger than that of the conventional wheat because there are more grains in the hybrid wheat spike. The experiment also shows that the hybrid societies differ in grain weight and nutrient quality, which not only provides the opportunity to choose the better varieties, but also makes it too simple to decide whether a variety is better or not by evaluating a certain charcter. Therefore, exploiting excellent hybrid society still is a approach to increase wheat unit yield.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
Hybrid whcat
Conventional wheat
Grain filling