Mobile Agent和Web Service是两种非常有发展前景的新技术,在科研和工程领域都有着广泛的应用,但这两种技术各有其不足之处。该文首先通过实例分析这两种技术的异同点,然后试着将Mobile Agent和Web Service这两种技术融合成一种新的技术——Agenice(Agent+Service)——智能服务。它将从3个方面来讨论实现融合的途径:(1)虚拟机和中间语言:将用不同语言编写的Agent类翻译成中间态语言,使其能在不同操作系统、不同技术平台下运行;(2)AML:基于语义的Agenice描述语言;(3) 移动技术:实现代码移动和状态移动的方法。
Mobile agent and Web service are promising new technologies with bright future, and have wide application in aspect of scientific study as well as in engineering industry. Meanwhile they both have deficiencies. The paper first analyzes the similarities and differences between these two technologies by a typical example, then engages in an attempt to integrate these two techniques into a totally new technology, called agenice(agent and service),a kind of intelligent service. There are three aspects' discussion: (1) VM and IL, translate the agent classes that are programmed by other languages such as Java to interface language for running on multi-OS and multi-platform; (2) AML, the angenice description language based on semantics; (3) Mobility, the way to transfer agenices code and state.
Computer Engineering