本文旨在评述国际政治经济学关于相互依赖的理论和研究方法。文章指出 ,相互依赖的敏感性和脆弱性导致了现实主义和自由主义在基本概念、相互依赖与权力的关系、相互依赖与和平的关系等问题上的分歧。文章概述了相互依赖研究的三种方法 ,预期收益模型、博弈论和实证主义 ,指出了现有的相互依赖理论在方法上存在的缺陷和空白 ,并且提出了今后理论发展的方向。
By examining the theoretic approaches to interdependence in international political economics and its methodology,this paper points out that,the debates between realist and liberalist on basic concepts,the relationship between interdependence and power,interdependence and peace and etc.,are stemmed from the sensitiveness and fragility of interdependence.By working over the three methods of interdependence studies (“expected utility model”,“strategic game forms”and “empirical studies”),it reveals the weakness and shortcomings in the theory of interdependence and its methodology. In the meantime it suggests that future study should break the present paradigm and examine the impact of interdependence from the prospect of domestic politics.
Chinese Journal of European Studies