
我国食管癌发病危险因素的Meta分析 被引量:8

Meta-analysis of risk factors of esophageal cancer in China
摘要 目的 :评价我国食管癌发病的危险因素 .方法 :通过Meta分析对国内 1 3篇公开发表的有关食管癌发病危险因素的病例 对照研究进行定量综合分析 ,共对 1 2个因素进行评价 ,计算每个因素的综合OR值 .结果 :共有 9个因素有显著意义 ,分别为 :吸烟 (ORS=1 .6 9)、饮酒 (ORS=1 .81 )、酸菜(ORS=2 .2 2 )、烫食 (ORS=2 .4 1 )、家族史 (ORS=4 .0 0 )、精神因素 (ORS=3.0 6 )、干硬食物 (ORS=2 .0 7)、吃饭快 (ORS=1 .82 )、水果 (ORS=0 .39) .结论 :吸烟、饮酒、酸菜、烫食、家族史、精神因素、干硬食物及吃饭快为食管癌发病的危险因素 ,水果为保护因素 ,而蔬菜、饮茶以及肉类对食管癌发病的作用尚不能确定 . AIM: To comprehensively analyze and evaluate the risk factors of esophageal cancer in China. METHODS: The results of 13 case control studies were analyzed by Meta analysis method in this study. RESULTS: The pools OR values of influence factors were calculated. Nine of them were statistically significant: Smoking (OR S=1.69), drinking(OR S=1.81), pickled vegetables(OR S=2.22), over hot foods(OR S=2.41), family history(OR S=4.00), mental factors(OR S=3.06), hard or dry foods(OR S=2.07), fast eating habit(OR S=1.82) and fruits(OR S=0.39). CONCLUSION: Drinking, smoking, pickled vegetables, family history, preferring over hot foods or hard foods or dry foods, mental factors and fast eating habit are the risk factors of esophageal cancer, while fruits are inversely related to the risk. The effects of intake of vegetables, tea and meat on esophageal cancer need further investigation.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2003年第23期2196-2198,共3页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 食管肿瘤 危险因素 META分析 esophageal neoplasms risk factors Meta analysis
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