
中国东北地区兴安落叶松林树干呼吸的研究(英文) 被引量:11

Stem Respiration of a Larch (Larix gmelini) Plantation in Northeast China
摘要 树干呼吸是森林碳平衡估计中的一个重要项目同时还能够显示树木的活力.对于如何准确估计森林树干呼吸释放CO2总量还存在争论.在本项研究中,2001~2002连续两年在一个33年生的兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini Rupr.)人工林内对树干呼吸进行了测定,同时测定了不同高度树干呼吸、呼吸的日变化、同龄落叶松林内不同个体的树干呼吸以及相关生长状态因子、水分因子和温度因子.结果显示:1)树干上部的呼吸速率在不同季节都高于下部呼吸速率,树干温度的差异能够一定程度上解释这种差异;2)树干呼吸有午间降低的现象,上午的测定结果树干温度与树干呼吸速率紧密相关,而下午则温度依赖性很小,土壤、空气、小枝木质部水势、叶片蒸腾速率和气孔导度都显示下午植物水分亏缺下午较上午严重,呼吸的这种上下午温度相关性的差异可能受这种水分亏缺的影响;3)在同龄林内,树木个体生长状态包括平均生长速率和树冠投影面积与树干呼吸速率有显著相关关系,而树干温度与之相关性很小.幂指数模型和S曲线模型能够产生较好的拟合效果;4)树干呼吸季节变化明显,7月份出现最大值,但同一月份的年间差异较大.自然指数模型能够较好地拟合温度与树干呼吸的季节变化规律.Q10值在2.22(2001年)和3.53(2002年)之间,与以往研究的结果相当.从以上结果可以看出,通过单一的Q10值估计森林树干呼吸总量会产生偏差,要想得到准确的估计,至少应该考虑生长状态的差异和水分状态的差异. Stem respiration is an important part of the activity of a tree and is an important source of CO2 evolution from a forest ecosystem. Presently, no standard methods are available for the accurate estimation of total stem CO2 efflux from a forest. In the current study, a 33-year-old (by the year 2001) larch (Larix gmelini Rupr.) plantation was measured throughout 2001-2002 to analyze its monthly and seasonal patterns of stem respiration. Stem respiration rate was also measured at different heights, at different daily intervals and any variation in the larch plantation was recorded. The relationship between stem temperature, growth status and respiration rate was analyzed. Higher respiration rates were recorded in upper reaches of the larch tree throughout the season and these were affected partially by temperature difference. Midday depression was found in the diurnal changes in stem respiration. In the morning, but not in the afternoon, stem respiration was positively correlated with stem temperature. The reason for this variation may be attributed to water deficit, which was stronger in the afternoon. In the larch plantation, a maximum 7-fold variation in stem respiration was found. The growth status (such as mean growth rate of stem and canopy projection area) instead of stem temperature difference was positively correlated with this large variation. An S-model (sigmoid curve) or Power model shows the greatest regression of the field data. In the courses of seasonal and annual changes of stem respiration, peak values were observed in July of both years, but substantial interannual differences in magnitude were observed. An exponential model can clearly show this regression of the temperature-respiration relationship. In our results, Q(10) values ranged from 2.22 in 2001 to 3.53 in 2002. Therefore, estimation of total stem CO2 efflux only by a constant Q(10) value may give biased results. More parameters of growth status and water status should be considered for more accurate estimation.
出处 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1387-1397,共11页 Acta Botanica Sinica(植物学报:英文版)
基金 国家自然科学基金(30300271)。~~
关键词 兴安落叶松 树干呼吸 生长速率 树冠投影面积 Larix gmelini stem respiration growth status growth rate canopy projection area Q(10)
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