研究采用访谈法和问卷法 ,选取北京市 42 8名中学生 ,考察偶像崇拜与自我概念的关系。研究发现 :(1 )有偶像的学生人数显著高于无偶像的人数 ,“歌星影星”与“著名人士”是其崇拜的主流。 (2 )有偶像的学生的自我概念显著高于无偶像的学生 ,主要在同性关系自我、异性关系自我、非学业自我概念上存在显著差异。 (3)在有无偶像维度上 ,女生的同性关系自我、一般学校自我概念存在显著差异 ,男生的同性关系自我、一般自我、非学业自我和量表总分存在显著差异。 (4)在有无偶像维度上 ,初一学生的体能自我、初二学生的数学自我、初三学生的语文自我和同性关系自我、高一学生的外貌自我存在显著差异。 (5)
This study, involving 428 middle school students in 6 grades and using methods of interview and questionnaire survey, explored the characteristics of idolatry and its relationship to self-concept. The results showed that: 1) there were significant differences in the numbers of students having idols or no idol. And their idols were mainly singers and film stars and worthies; 2) there were significant differences in self-concept, mainly in same-sex relation, opposite-sex relation and non-school-work; 3) In terms of having or having no idol, girls had significant different self-concepts on the dimensions of same-sex relation and general school, while boys had significant different self-concepts on same-sex relation, general self, non-school-work and general scale; 4) Students of different grades had significant different self-concepts between those having and having no idols; 5)There were significant differences between types of idols on self-concept.
Journal of Psychological Science