采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法 ,对 6~ 8岁儿童理解时间副词的能力进行了初步探查 ,结果表明 :(1 )不同年龄儿童对时间副词的理解能力不同。 6岁和 7岁儿童初步形成了对现在时间副词和过去时间副词的理解能力 ,萌发了对将来时间副词的理解能力 ;8岁儿童已具有了对现在时间副词和过去时间副词的理解能力 ,基本上具有了对将来时间副词的理解能力。 (2 )儿童在理解时间副词时多种策略并存。随着年龄的增长 ,有效策略的生成能力有了明显的提高 ,8岁儿童已有 90
The purpose of the study was to investigate the development of 6~8-year-old children's comprehension of time adverbs and analyze the strategies children used during the comprehension.The participants were 72 children randomly selected from a kindergarten and an elementary school including three groups aged 6, 7 and 8 years with half boys and half girls in each group. The tests were carried out individually. The methodology of the study was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analyses.The results showed that (1) children's ability to understand time adverbs varied with their age. 6-year-olds and 7-year-olds preliminarily developed the comprehension of “now” and “past” time adverbs, and bourgeoned the comprehension of “future” time adverbs. 8-year-olds possessed the comprehension of “now” and “past” time adverbs, and nearly possessed the comprehension of “future” time adverbs. (2) their comprehension strategies were co-existent, and the capacity of creating effective strategies increased with age. More than 90% of the 8-year-olds could use effective strategies.
Journal of Psychological Science
国家社科基金项目 0 2CYY0 0 3